Fellows of CRIC

Arnold Acton, CAIP, FCRIC*
Michael Adams, CAIP, FCRIC
Marillene Allen, CAIP, FCRIC
Don Ambrose, CAIP, FCRIC
Anastasia Arabia, CAIP, FCRIC
James Barnes, CAIP, FCRIC
Georgina DeWeerdt Benson,CAIP, FCRIC*
A.B. Blankenship, CAIP, FCRIC*
Christian Bourque, CAIP, FCRIC
Chuck Chakrapani, CAIP, FCRIC
Owen Charlebois, CAIP, FCRIC
Eric Clucas, CAIP, FCRIC
A. Stan Coldridge, CAIP, FCRIC*
Chris Commins, CAIP, FCRIC
Yvan Corbeil, CAIP, FCRIC*
Ruth M. Corbin, CAIP, FCRIC
Richard Crosby, CAIP, FCRIC*
Cam Davis, CAIP, FCRIC
Robert Day, CAIP, FCRIC*
Linda Di Luzio, CAIP, FCRIC
Joseph B. Doyle, CAIP, FCRIC*
Walter Elliott, CAIP, FCRIC*
Adrian T. Gamble, CAIP, FCRIC*
Newt Gent, CAIP, FCRIC*
Ed Gibson, CAIP, FCRIC
Anne Goldman, CAIP, FCRIC
Frank Graves, CAIP, FCRIC
Lew Gray, CAIP, FCRIC*
Jack Graydon, CAIP, FCRIC*
John Hallward, CAIP, FCRIC
Robert E. Harris, CAIP, FCRIC*
Clara Hatton, CAIP, FCRIC*
Paul Haynes, CAIP, FCRIC*
Joyce Henry, CAIP, FCRIC
Margaret Imai-Compton, CAIP, FCRIC*
Majid Khoury, CAIP, FCRIC
Henry King, CAIP, FCRIC*
Frank Lacy, CAIP, FCRIC
Jean-Marc Léger, CAIP, FCRIC
David S.R. Leighton, CAIP, FCRIC
Charles Leroyer, CAIP, FCRIC*
Jordan Levitin, CAIP, FCRIC
Steve Levy, CAIP, FCRIC
Ian Lightstone, CAIP, FCRIC
Winston Mahatoo, CAIP, FCRIC
Jo Marney, CAIP, FCRIC*
Chuck Mayer, CAIP, FCRIC
Clyde McDonald, CAIP, FCRIC*
Don Mills, CAIP, FCRIC
John N. Milne, CAIP, FCRIC*
Donald Monk, CAIP, FCRIC*
Nik Nanos, CAIP, FCRIC
Keith Neuman, CAIP, FCRIC
Annie Pettit, CAIP, FCRIC
J. Murray Phillip, CAIP, FCRIC*
W.H. Poole, CAIP, FCRIC*
John C. Robertson, CAIP, FCRIC*
B. Myron Rusk, CAIP, FCRIC*
Robert G. Scott, CAIP, FCRIC*
Michele Sexsmith, CAIP, FCRIC
Patricia Simmie, CAIP, FCRIC
John Smart, CAIP, FCRIC*
David Smith, CAIP, FCRIC
Nat Stone, CAIP, FCRIC
Robert Sylvestre, CAIP, FCRIC
Ivor Thompson, CAIP, FCRIC
Gordon Ralph Thornicroft, CAIP, FCRIC
Fred Torrington, CAIP, FCRIC*
Barry Watson, CAIP, FCRIC
Raymond Whalen, CAIP, FCRIC*
Charlie Wilton, CAIP, FCRIC
Tim Wingrove, CAIP, FCRIC
Robert Wong, CAIP, FCRIC


The CRIC Fellows program is designed to be the highest honour awarded to individuals of our profession in Canada. These are individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the research, analytics and insights profession in Canada. These contributions could include, but are not limited:

  • to the development of new methods/approaches to gathering and using insights that have benefited the profession,
  • significant service to the industry/profession, and
  • contributions to society that have enhanced the positive perception of the industry.

Please note that there is no requirement to work for a CRIC member company or have a CAIP to be recognized as a CRIC Fellow.

Contact Us

For more information, contact John Tabone, Chief Executive Officer:

[email protected]