The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) is pleased to recognize today, May 2nd, as World Research & Insight Day. World Research & Insight Day was founded last year by the Turkish insights association. This year it is being extended globally by ESOMAR to promote the important role of associations like CRIC in maintaining the strong reputation of our profession with governments, users of research and the public. 

“Data drives our information and decision needs in businesses, societies and governments,” stated Esomar’s President Joaquim Bretcha. “Without opinion polling, governments would be untethered from the views of their people. For businesses, products developed by guesswork would be launched with no understanding of how they will work, and advertising will be shot out into the ether by creative agencies that base their understanding of target audiences by gut feel.” 

In keeping with the notion of a strong research and insight sector in Canada, CRIC will soon be launching new membership categories to allow client organizations, agencies, academia, the media, suppliers to the industry and not-for-profits to join CRIC. 

“By joining CRIC, member organizations demonstrate the strongest commitment possible to support ethical and trustworthy approaches to collecting, storing and using data,” stated CRIC Chair Barry Watson. “It will also strengthen the collective voice of CRIC to advocate for effective regulation and to build trust with the public.”

Why is it crucial to protect and safeguard the use and development of data? Read more world insights from ESOMAR president Joaquim Bretcha in “Imagine a world without data?” Subscribe for updates on the CRIC website to be notified when the new membership categories are launched.

About CRIC: CRIC’s mandate is to develop and approve market research standards, best practices and support programs; provide effective promotion and advocacy for the market research and insights industry; serve as a source of information for the industry; and be a forum for collective industry action.

About ESOMAR: ESOMAR is the global voice of the data analytics, research and insights community, speaking on behalf of over 6000 individual professionals and more than 600 companies who provide or commission data analytics and research in more than 130 countries, all of whom agree to uphold the ICC/ESOMAR International Code. Together with national and international research associations, ESOMAR promotes professional standards and self-regulation for the insights sector and encourages, advances and advocates for the role and value of data analytics, market and opinion research in illuminating real issues and bringing about effective decision-making. The ICC/ESOMAR Code and all ESOMAR guidelines are available on 

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For more information, contact John Tabone, Interim Chief Administrative Officer:

John Tabone
Author: John Tabone