CRIC Leadership Forum
September 22, 2022 – One King West Hotel – Toronto

Pre-Forum Dinner (optional) – September 21, 2022
6pm at Jump Restaurant located at 18 Wellington Street West)
CRIC Leadership Forum – September 22, 2022
Location: King Gallery at One King West
8:00am-8:30am – Networking Breakfast
8:30am-10:15am – Growing your Insights Brand – facilitated by Lucy Davison, Founder and Managing Director, Keen as Mustard Marketing and a client panel featuring Brinda Mathew, Head of Brand Performance, Ikea Canada, Jhumur Choudhury, CAIP, Research Lead, Advisory Services, ATB Financial and Kevin Akyeampong, Director, Research & Insights, Cadillac Fairview.
This session will begin with a panel of client leaders featuring Brinda Mathew, Head of Brand Performance, Ikea Canada, Jhumur Choudhury, Research Lead, Advisory Services, ATB Financial and Kevin Akyeampong, Director, Research & Insights, Cadillac Fairview that will be moderated by Lucy Davison. The panel will discuss the changing expectations of their internal clients and share their insights on what they look for from an agency. The panel will be followed be followed by a presentation on best practices for growing your insights brands geared both to agencies and insights departments). Attendees will then participate in an interactive discussion of best practices led by Lucy.
10:30am-12:15pm – Creating a Strong Culture in Hybrid Work Environment – facilitated by James Sloane, Director of Employee Experience at Habanero
As hybrid work environments become the new normal, they also bring new challenges related to topics such as hiring, onboarding, performance appraisals, missing interactions and creating a strong culture. In this session, James Sloan will share some of the steps leaders can take to create a strong culture as well as some best practices for hiring, onboarding, supporting innovation and managing performance. This session will include sharing among leaders on successful initiatives to grow culture.
1pm-3pm – How ResTech is Transforming the Future of Insights – facilitated by Mike Stevens – Insights Platform/ResTech Business School
Advances in Research Technology (ResTech) are continuing to transform the way insights are gathered, analyzed and communicated. In this session, Mike Stevens will share how ResTech is shaping the future of insights, highlight key trends, and share predictions for future disruptions. He will then facilitate a discussion among leaders to get their perspectives on the ResTech future.
3pm-4pm – CRIC Advocacy Agenda – facilitated by Greg Jodouin, President Pace Public Affairs and Community Engagement and John Tabone, CEO of CRIC.
Greg Jodouin, CRIC’s Government Relation’s advisor, along with John Tabone, CRIC’s CEO, will provide an update on key Government Relation and advocacy topics and invite questions and feedback from leaders on advocacy priorities for CRIC. Topics will include an update on the new federal privacy legislation, call blocking initiatives, and ways to differentiate requests for research purposes.
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