Innovations in Qualitative Research

Recorded March 26, 2021 – Available on Demand

Learn how semiotics and neuroscience can both help you develop a deeper understanding of your customers by gaining insights into how they emotionally engage with your brands. Innovation in Qualitative Research will feature two presentations: The Power of Semiotic Analysis presented by Sarah Johnson and From Emotion Data to a Great Customer Experience presented by Diana Lucaci

The Power of Semiotic Analysis

Semiotic Analysis is widely used by brands in Europe and is being increasingly embraced by blue chip North American brands. This presentation will demystify the sometimes too “academic” aspect of Semiotics and provide practical examples of how marketers can use it to build their brands and connect more deeply with their customers.

Sarah Johnson, Principal, Athena Brand Wisdom

Sarah Johnson is a commercial semiotician who has conducted analyses ranging from obesity in American popular culture to a historical analysis of Ritz Cracker advertising.
In a past life, Sarah worked as an Account Planner at agencies in New York, London, and Toronto which has given her a rich understanding of the cultural nuances in all three markets.
Sarah has worked in almost every category and with every customer target; from confectionery to cars, from technology to toys, from packaged goods to pharmaceuticals, from financial services to food, and from women and children to boomers and business decision-makers. Some of her clients include Kraft, Procter & Gamble, Volkswagen, Sony, AbbVie, Walmart, Coca Cola and Eli Lilly.
Sarah studied Anthropology, Philosophy and English at McGill University and went on to pursue further studies in English at Cambridge. She has presented at conferences and colleges on a range of market research topics.

From Emotion Data to a Great Customer Experience

The future of customer experience relies heavily on understanding not only what people say they prefer, but also the reason why they make a selection. Traditional insight methodologies such as surveys and focus groups provide verbal expressions of opinion, yet science has proven that people don’t always act on what they say. They act on how they feel.

Imagine if we could tap directly into emotion to understand what motivates people to act, and immediately create more relevant and authentic experiences?

Diana’s session will include data-driven and specific insights from the field of consumer neuroscience, with a focus on online methodologies. Neuroscience and biometric research shows that a well designed experience drives receptivity, human attention and has a positive business impact. By determining positive and negative emotions and attentional activation, we find new insights into engagement and best practices. The findings can help marketers, researchers and customer experience designers optimize every precious second of attention.

Diana Lucaci, CEO, Co-Founder, True Impact

Diana Lucaci is the Founder and CEO of True Impact. She helps brands optimize the customer experience by leveraging emotion data from neural and bio measurement technologies. Diana serves on the board of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) and is a member of CRIC’s Qualitative Research Thought Leadership Council. Diana is a Committee Member of the Standards Council of Canada and served as Chair of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA, 2012-2018). Diana won the Best in Class research award from the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA) and works with many Fortune 500 companies, including General Motors, Colgate-Palmolive, Yahoo, Miller Coors and others. She holds a degree in Neuroscience and Psychology from the University of Toronto and leads True Impact’s mission of driving brand growth through science.

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